Annai Khadeeja Arts & Science College for Women Celebrated Vth Annual Sports day on 8th of February 2020 at 3.00 pm in the College Premises. The Programme Started with Qirath. The Guest of honour Mrs.T.Jayachitra Inspector of Police Manamelkudi hoisted the Sports Flag. The Students of Annai Khadeeja Arts & Science College for Women Performed the March Past following on a College Pupil leader has taken the Sports day Oath
The group of Students presented the bouquet to the Chief Guest.
Dr.K.Sumathy Principal of Annai Khadeeja Arts & Science College forWomen welcomed the gathering. Dr.K.Sumathy Principal of Annai Khadeeja Arts & Science College for Women honoured the Chief Guest with Shawl. Aalima S.Najma Correspondent of Annai Khadeeja Academy Presented Momento to the Chief Guest. Mass drills were performed by the Students of Annai Khadeeja Arts and Science College for women. The Students Participated in Various Sports activities. Honour of Guest Mrs.T.Jayachitra Inspector of Police, Manamelkudi Addressed the gathering. She mentioned different ways for the Protection of Women. She emphasized all the women to be Couraged while facing insecured Situations. Aalima S. Najma Correspondent of Annai Khadeeja Arts & Science College for Women began her Speech by Appreciating the Students of Annai Khadeeja Arts & Science College for Women For their Performance. She insisted the Students of Show more interest and involve in Sports activities for the upcoming years. The Prizes were distributed by the honour of Guest.Mrs.T.Jeyachithra Inspector of Police, Manamelkudi Aalima S.Najma Correspondent of Annai Khadeeja Academy and Dr.K.Sumathy Principal of Annai Khadeeja Arts & Science College for Women. The Programme came to a final with vote of thanks.